Nov 23, 2012

Setting up a CentOS 6 server: Services Hardening

This is a follow on post from my guide to installing CentOS 6.2 (or you can read my updated 6.3 version). You can see my other posts such as auditing your software installs, hardening your accounts, network hardening and clearing out orphaned packages.

This guide outlines how to cut down on unnecessary services so that you have a lean and mean machine.

  1. List all the services running on your machine with the following command:
    chkconfig --list | grep :on
  2.  Go through the list and select packages to disable or remove. For instance:
    chkconfig mdmonitor off
    chkconfig smartd off
    chkconfig messagebus off
    chkconfig haldaemon off
    chkconfig cups off
    chkconfig atd off
    chkconfig kdump off
  3. If you do not know what a service is or does, just run:
    rpm -qf /etc/init.d/<service_name>

    Then run:
    rpm -qi <rpm>



  1. I truly like to reading your post. Thank you so much for taking the time to share such a nice information.

  2. Helped a lot optimizing my server.


Thanks for contributing!! Try to keep on topic and please avoid flame wars!!