Apr 19, 2012

Extended Jquery tutorial

This tutorial is an extension of the basic JQuery tutorial. We will not cover the same stuff here, so if you want a quick and easy primer on JQuery please click on that link. Instead, this offers some extra background information that help put the code examples into context.

You might also want to check out my other posts such as the JQuery Slideshow or AJAX with JQuery and PHP.

What is JQuery?

JQuery is a client-side JavaScript library that can do a wide variety of tasks. This includes browser effects, AJAX, and interact with the DOM. Despite the introduction of CSS3 (which will elegantly handle browser effects and limited DOM manipulation), JQuery still has alot to offer the web developer. It has also been around for longer which means, for the moment, it has better cross-browser support.

JQuery is not meant to be used as an application framework. It does not provide a blueprint around which a developer can build a website. Instead, it offers a wide set of tools to make development much, MUCH easier.

Getting started...

Getting started with jQuery is easy; download the library script from the website and include it in your web-application as you would any other JavaScript file. Alternatively, Google provides live hosting of the jQuery so you could link to that to save on your bandwidth.

<!-- Include the JQuery Library code... JQuery will not work without this -->
<script type="text/javascript" src="http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jquery/1.7.0/jquery.min.js"></script>


JQuery works best by manipulating the DOM (the fancy, technical name given to the HTML page displayed by the browser), but to do this it needs a way of finding the elements to manipulate. To do this jQuery sports a CSS selector engine, meaning you just use standard CSS nomenclature to select an element.

For instance, if we had a div element with an id set to foo, in CSS we would write #foo {} to declare the style for that id. In JQuery, to search for and manipulate element foo you would write:


Make sure the DOM is ready!

A common problem new developers have with jQuery is they start querying the DOM before it is ready. Browsers sometimes execute JavaScript before they have completely parsed the DOM, and this leads to errors where you manipulate the #foo class but it has not loaded on the page yet.

This problem is solved by calling the jQuery function that waits until the DOM has completely loaded:

$(document).ready(function {
      $('#foo').css('colour', 'red');


Apr 12, 2012

Designing relational databases

While I was introduced to database theory in University, we never really did much in the way of practically implementing that theory. As such, when I am tasked to design a database for a web application I had no idea where to start. Well, not really; I had a vague idea of where to begin.

Thus I scrambled through my notes and various on-line articles to relearn the topic. Here are my notes; use them wisely...

  • The Relational Database Model describes a database that has a series of unordered relations (or a related set of information) that can be manipulated using operations that return tables.
  • Some interchangeable terms:
    Relations = tables (set of related information)
    Attributes = columns/fields (Descriptor of the information)
    Tuples = rows/record (Actual data)
  • Each table should only represent one (and only one) thing or event.
  • A primary key is a column/attribute of a relation/table that guarantees the uniqueness of a record/row/tuple. You can only have one primary key per relation.
  • A foreign key is an attribute used to reference a primary key in another relation/table.
  •  Normalisation is the process of simplifying the design of a database so that it achieves optimum structure.

    1. First normal form: All attributes must be atomic. Attributes should not be able to be broken down or repeated in a relation.

      In other words, an attribute cannot be an aggregate or list of data.
    2. Second normal form: Every non-key attribute must be dependant on the primary key.

      In other words, the postcode attribute will be dependant on the address and not the person. It stands that the address should be moved to it's own table.
    3. Third normal form: All non-key attributes are mutually independent. And attribute should not be reproducible or rely on information already existing in the tuple.

      For instance, the total cost for a sale is the sum of all costs, and does not deserve it's own table or attribute.
  • A join is used to collate relations into one relation with relevant data. This can be used to perform other operations without going back and forth between the tables.
  • A Natural join relies on an intersection of attributes (i.e. both tables contain attributes with the same name). This can be either a primary key or a foreign key.
  • An Inner Join specifies which matching attributes to use (this is done through the USING keyword). In other words, you get to to specify which attributes are going to be used to match records together.
  • An Outer Join is used where you want to display all data, whether they have a matching record or not. This is because the inner join would simply discard any record that did not have a matching attribute in the other table.
  • A view (also called a named query or stored query) is simply a SELECT statement that is given a name and is stored in the database.
  • A good practice in database design is to avoid having NULL values stored in your relation. If the attribute is not required to make the relation complete, do we need the attribute? Or can we move it to it's own relation?
  • Some common mistakes in database design are:
    1. Poor design/Planning
    2. Ignoring normalisation
    3. Poor naming standards
    4. Lack of documentation
    5. One table to hold them all (a sort of repeat of the 2nd normalisation rule)
    6. Using identity/guid columns as your only key
    7. Not using SQL facilities to protect data integrity
    8. Not using stored procedures
    9. Trying to build generic objects
    10. Lack of testing


Apr 5, 2012

CSS tips and tricks

As someone with a background in developing electronics and embedded systems, it is no shock that when it comes to pretty UX interfaces I suck. My interfaces is the definition of 'total suckage'. But nevertheless, the job market demands that I at least attempt to make pretty interfaces for clients; the critical criteria for modern web applications seem to lie in the appearance instead of the substance. But alas, I digress...

I have been doing research into CSS as it is the dominant method of creating nice structured web interfaces (yes, JavaScript can do that too but I prefer to stick to using JS for behavioural coding). So I have come across a HEAP of useful tutorials that will help turn your steaming pile of crap into glistening gold!

Rounded Borders

Rounded borders looks awesome on anything. Here is the code:

     border: 2px solid #505050;
     /* Rounded Border */
    -webkit-border-radius: 8px; /* Saf3-4, iOS 1-3.2, Android ≤1.6 */
    -moz-border-radius: 8px; /* FF1-3.6 */
    border-radius: 8px; /* Opera 10.5, IE9, Saf5, Chrome, FF4, iOS 4, Android 2.1+ */

    /* useful if you don't want a bg color from leaking outside the border: */
    -moz-background-clip: padding; -webkit-background-clip: padding-box; background-clip: padding-box;

Background Gradient

You can read more about this here, but for now here is some code for you to play with:

    /* Background Gradient */
    background-color: #69aef1;
    background-image: -webkit-gradient(linear, left top, left bottom, color-stop(0%, #69aef1), color-stop(100%, #ffffff));
    background-image: -webkit-linear-gradient(top, #69aef1, #fff); /* Chrome 10+, Saf5.1+, iOS 5+ */
    background-image: -moz-linear-gradient(top, #69aef1, #fff); /* FF3.6 */
    background-image: -ms-linear-gradient(top, #69aef1, #fff); /* IE10 */
    background-image: -o-linear-gradient(top, #69aef1, #fff); /* Opera 11.10+ */
    background-image: linear-gradient(to bottom, #69aef1, #fff);

Word Wrapping/Breaking

This piece of CSS should provide nicer looking word-breaking/hyphenation:

    /* CSS3 word break */
    -ms-word-break: break-all;
    word-break: break-all;
    word-break: break-word;
    -webkit-hyphens: auto;
    -moz-hyphens: auto; 

Centre Tables (and Elements)

I used this code to make a table centre properly in one of my elements. I'm sure it could find uses elsewhere though:

      /* Reset margins for the elements (defaults to centered( */

CSS toggled accordion

This effect is created using a simple unordered list with added radio button functionality. Here is the code:

/* Clean up the lists styles */
ul.accordion {
    list-style: none;
    margin: 0;
    padding: 0;

/* Hide the radio buttons */
/* These are what allow us to toggle content panes */
ul.accordion label + input[type='radio'] {
    display: none;

/* Give each content pane some styles */
ul.accordion li {
    background-color: #CCCCCC;
    border-bottom: 1px solid #DDDDDD;

/* Make the main tab look more clickable */
ul.accordion label {
    background-color: #666666;
    color: #FFFFFF;
    display: block;
    padding: 10px;

ul.accordion label:hover {
    cursor: pointer;

/* Set up the div that will show and hide */
ul.accordion div.content {
    overflow: hidden;
    padding: 0 10px;
    display: none;

/* Show the content boxes when the radio buttons are checked */
ul.accordion label + input[type='radio']:checked + div.content {
    display: block;

So our HTML code will then be:

<ul class='accordion'>
        <label for='cp-1'>Content pane 1</label>
        <input type='radio' name='a' id='cp-1' checked='checked'>
        <div class='content'>
        <label for='cp-2'>Content pane 2</label>
        <input type='radio' name='a' id='cp-2'>
        <div class='content'>


  • This website is an absolute must! 'CSS3 Please!' lists a whole heap of cross-browser compatible CSS3 techniques that you can just copy and paste into your website!
  • Blog post by Kenneth Auchenberg on how to achieve word wrapping in pure CSS
  • Blog post by Scott Granneman on how to centre a table in CSS
  • Blog post by Mike Cherim on the different types of web page layouts; fixed, fluid/liquid, and elastic.
  • Another post about the three types of web page layouts (fixed, fluid, and elastic) by Extend Studio
  • w3schools CSS reference
  • Pure CSS toggle accordian implementation by Oliver Caldwell
  • CSS Menu Maker provides a range of open source css menus
  • A list of CSS tutorials by Design Festival