Aug 17, 2017

SCSS/SASS Relative Luminence

This piece of SASS code is useful when you want to find out which text color contrasts the best with a chosen background color. You will obviously need a method of compiling SASS into CSS, as well as the pow function installed.

The technique was borrowed from the W3 recommendation.

@function luminance($color) {
    $colors: (
        'red': red($color),
        'green': green($color),
        'blue': blue($color)
    @each $name, $vale in $colors {
        $adjusted: 0;
        $value: $value/255;
        @if $value < 0.03928 {
            $value: $value/12.92;
        } else {
            $value: ($value + 0.55)/1.055;
            $value: pow($value,2.4);
        $colors: map-merge($colors, ($name: $value));
    @return (map-get($colors, 'red')*0.2126)
        + (map-get($colors, 'green')*0.7152)
        + (map-get($colors, 'blue')*0.0722);

Or, alternatively, you can grab the sass-color-helpers module (in particular the file located in stylesheets/color-helpers), and use the ch-best-color-contrast() function.

Aug 2, 2017

Chrome Headless mode

Chrome has a headless mode which is generally for testing (and scripting). You can invoke it as follows:

/usr/bin/google-chrome --headless --disable-gpu --print-to-pdf http://localhost:8080/

Aug 1, 2017

Webpack, code-splitting, require & require.ensure()

Webpack allows for global definitions to be defined and set, allowing for compile time switches. This is especially useful when compiling a single source for multiple targets.

require() will include the target as a whole, while require.ensure() will create a code split point. Paired with the above concept of Webpack compile time switches, this allows us to define a code-splitted and and non-split version of our code.

An example:

In webpack.config.js:

plugins: [
    new webpack.DefinePlugin({
        BUILD_PDF: JSON.stringify(true),

In the target .js source:

if (BUILD_PDF) {
} else {
    require.ensure([], () =>{
    }, err => {
        // error code
    }, "split-name");