Let's also say you are using a SVG javascript library such as svgjs to build dynamic images and animations. You want to overlay an icon sprite on top of your existing image. To do this you use the following code:
var col = {
x: 0,
y: 0,
var draw = SVG('drawing2').size(300, 300)
var clip = draw.clip()
var rect = draw.rect(32, 32)
var image = draw
An explanation of the code:
- The col object stores the row and column coordinates for the icon we want. We have 9 columns and 6 rows to work with.
- The draw object takes our HTML div object and uses it to make our SVG
- The clip object is where the magic happens
- The rect object is a standard rectangle, which is going to be used as our 'frame' to cut out our desired sprite using clip. It is 32x32 pixels because that is the size of our icons.
- The image object is our compiled sprites, but note that we 'move' it relative to the rectangle using an algorithm. This 'move' allows us to align our desired sprite so that is with the rectangle.
- The next two lines allows us to 'clip' the image with the rectangle, cutting away everything else except for our desired sprite.
The next example expands upon the above, but now allows us to place our rect (and our sprite) at a desired point on the drawing.
var col = {
x: 8,
y: 1,
var pos = {
x: 32,
y: 32
var draw = SVG('drawing2').size(300, 300)
var clip = draw.clip()
var rect = draw.rect(32, 32).move(pos.x, pos.y)
var image = draw