Jul 4, 2014

Recover LVM Boot partition within a live CD (installing GRUB)

This allows you to recover the Master Boot record when a RAID 5 array fails.

  1. Activate LVM partitions
    sudo mdadm --assemble --scan
    sudo vgchange -a y [name of volume group]
  2. Mount all volumes to a single mount-point
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/[volume group]/[root volume] /mnt/
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/[volume group]/[usr volume] /mnt/usr/
    sudo mount /dev/mapper/[volume group]/[home volume] /mnt/home/
    ... etc
  3. Mount and bind directories for grub to detect the underlying hardware
    sudo mount --bind /dev /mnt/dev
    sudo mount --bind /dev/pts /mnt/dev/pts
    sudo mount --bind /proc /mnt/proc
    sudo mount --bind /sys /mnt/sys
  4. Jump into the new mounted system
    sudo chroot /mnt
  5. Install GRUB
    grub-install /dev/sda
    grub-install --recheck /dev/sda
  6. Exit the environment and restart
    sudo umount /mnt/dev/pts
    sudo umount /mnt/*
    sudo shutdown -r now

Jul 3, 2014

Recovering a RAID 5 array

Recently had a RAID 5 array fail on me. These are the steps I took to recover the data.

NOTE! The order of the disks in /dev/sdX follows the numbering of the ports on the motherboard. So if a disk is plugged into port 0, it will show up as /dev/sda. Keep this in mind as if you remove a failed disk, it might mess up the references in the array!.
  1. Boot up from a Live CD
  2. Install the software RAID management software
    sudo apt-get install mdadm
  3. Make sure RAID and LVM are unmounted
    sudo vgchange -a n [name of your volume group]  sudo mdadm -S /dev/md0
  4. Copy the failed disk to the new disk (in case the disk was the boot disk, you need to copy that flag across so that your system boots)
    sudo sfdisk -d /dev/sdx | sudo sfdisk /dev/sdy
  5. Check that the disks are the same
    sudo fdisk -l
  6. Mount the RAID array, and remove the failed disk
    sudo mdadm --assemble --scan  sudo mdadm --manage --remove /dev/sdx
  7. Add the new disk
    sudo mdadm --manage --add /dev/sdy
  8. Watch the progress as mdadm rebuilds your RAID array
    sudo cat /proc/mdstat