If you are here to learn how to code in JavaScript, I highly suggest you DON'T use this as your only resource. Go to CodeAcademy or w3schools to get a more comprehensive guide to coding.
=== means equals to (useful in if statements)
!== means not equal to (again, useful in if statements)
Primitive Data Types:
Strings are created simply by opening up a pair of quotation marks (")
Numbers are integers or floats (such as 4 or 3.14)
Booleans are only true and false values (you simply write "true" or "false", without quotes)
% is the modulo operator. It prints the remainder of division operation.
confirm("Do you want to continue?");
Will display a confirm dialogue box. Returns a true or false.
alert("Something went wrong");
Only displays a dialogue box (use if you do not care about user input)
prompt("Enter in your name:");
Will display a dialogue box with text input. Returns the input as a string.
console.log("This message will be printed to your console (not the HTML page)");
Prints a message to the JavaScript console (this is usually found on a developer dashboard in browsers)
"This is a string".length;
Returns the character length of a string
"This is a string".substring(x, y);
Print out the portion of the string, with 'x' the character to start cutting from and 'y' the final character
var name = "String";
Assigning a variable (in this case a string)
"This is a String".match(/string/i)
This is string pattern matching, or Regular Expressions. Please see elsewhere how to use Regular expressions
var newArray = ["item 1", "item 2"];
Assiging an array of items.
var newFunction = function(variable) { return variable; };
Declaring a new function called newFunction, which can be called as newFunction("String")
var newObject = { key: "value", key2: 10, key3: function(value){ return value; } };
Declares a new object called newObject, with three properties.
var testObject = new newObject; testObject.key;
Declaring a new testObject of type newObject, and accessing the 'key' property
if (true) { return "True"; } else { return "False"; }
An "IF" conditional statement (with optional "ELSE")
for (var i = 0; i < condition; i++) { condition--; }
A "FOR" loop statement, with increment and decrement operators
switch (name) { case "value": return name; break; default: return false; }
A "SWITCH" or "CASE" statement.
while (value < 5) { value++; }
A "WHILE" loop.
try { arbitraryFunction(); } catch (err) { alert(err) }
A "try-catch" block.
throw "This is an error message";
An error thrown that is meant to be caught by a try-catch block. This just throws a simple string.
Math Object constants
Rounds the number to the nearest integer (in this example it will output 4)
Output a pseudo-random number between 0 and 1
Returns the HTML DOM element that matches the given id string
Returns the array of HTML DOM elements that matches the given class string
Gets (or sets) the HTML that is in between the element tag (make sure you note the capitalisation)
Creates an DOM element (but it is not attached automatically!)