I won't go into too much details and just paste the code here...
#!/usr/bin/perl -w
# This is a perl script that uses warnings (hence the -w flag)
# This perl scripts aims to test the database connections
# and ensure the schema conforms to the standard.
# Use strict perl
use strict;
# Use the Getopt library
use Getopt::Std;
# Creates a hash variable where we can store our command line options
my %options=();
# Grab the list of command line options (some with optional arguments,
# denoted by a ':')
# -u {username} : Sets the username
# -p {password} : Sets the password
# -H {hostname} : Sets the hostname
# -D {database} : Sets the database
# -h : Displays the help
# -d : Debugging
getopts("hdu:p:H:D:", \%options);
# Sets some variables based on command line options, otherwise use defaults
my $username = (defined $options{u}) ? $options{u} : 'test';
my $password = (defined $options{p}) ? $options{p} : 'test';
my $hostname = (defined $options{H}) ? $options{H} : 'localhost';
my $database = (defined $options{D}) ? $options{D} : 'testdb';
# Set some environment variables
# Output the display menu if asked for
if (defined $options{h}) {
print "Test the database connections and ensure the schema conforms to the standard\n\n";
print "usage: test.pl [-u <username] [-p <password>] [-H <hostname>]\n\n";
# Display the passed variables for debugging purposes
print "USERNAME: " .$username . "\nPASSWORD: " . $password . "\nHOSTNAME: " . $hostname . "\nDATABASE: " . $database . "\n\n" if defined $options{d};
# The auth tables
my @tables = qw(system.session system.logs system.users);
# Loop through all our declared tables
foreach (@tables)
# Clear some environmental variables
# Exit from the system
exit 0;
# This subroutine runs a psql command
sub psql_command
# Grab some parameters
my ($table) = @_;
if(!( defined($table)))
die "psql_command() was passed some bad arguments!\n";
my $output = `/usr/bin/psql -U $username -h $hostname -w -d $database -c 'SELECT * FROM $table' 2>&1`;
if ( $? == -1 )
print "!!ERROR!! : $!\n";
} else {
if (($? >> 8) > 0)
print "!!ERROR!! : $table does not exist\n";
} else {
print "$table exists\n";
return 0;
- Perl Primer by Pat Gunn
- The Perl Tutorial by tiztag.com
- The getopts howto by Alex Batko
- http://www.perldoc.com is a great documentation source
- O'Reilly's Programming Perl is a good book on the subject